Terms & Conditions

Terms & Conditions

DMP Terms & Conditions

To keep our clients and employees updated with company’s terms and conditions, Digi Media Pool GMBH would like to draw your attention here. As Digi Media Pool GMBH wants to place client’s business on top of all search engines in right manner therefore here are some basic terms and conditions on which its professionals are working hard.

  • Digi Media Pool GMBH is focused to work on all projects with full consideration of Google algorithm update. Along with various kinds of Google algorithm updates, the team of professionals also pays heed on diverse terms and conditions of search engines. In this way, the experts bring committed results to the customers.
  • Although the company is focused on its strategies and goals to achieve target on diverse projects but it also understands the importance of search engines. The company believes that search engine provides proven results only to those who follow the terms and conditions accurately and maintain the latest phenomenon.
  • The company always uses ‘white hat’ SEO technique as it brings long lasting results to client’s website. It is even helpful for the professionals to work hard on the same and keeps it safe from any diverse ups and downs of SEO which happens due to sudden emergence of Google algorithms and crawling.
  • Being a reliable and focused organization, the experts believe to get unique and quality content from client’s end as per the deal for their SEO promotion. In case, the content has less quality and uniqueness then, the company is not responsible for search engine ranking and any kind of delay in promotion.
  • We would like to keep customers aware of the fact that search engine optimization is helpful only when the website is SEO friendly. Therefore, it is advised to all customers to have a SEO friendly website otherwise you need to compromise on ranking aspect.
  • The professionals are dedicated to work hard on all SEO projects and bring quality backlinks on client’s site with smart work. The experts make good use of articles, blogs, press release and business listing to come up with proven results which certainly takes the business on next level.
  • But, when it comes to get all deliverable including articles, blogs press releases, website contents, testimonials and video for SEO work then, company don’t expects any kind of delay in providing these deliverable’s. If company gets these deliverable’s late then certainly the task of promoting website will gets delay. In this case, the company is not responsible.
  • In case, the server is not working properly due to some reasons and the search engine is about to crawl to the website at the same time then, Digi Media Pool GMBH is not responsible. The search engine leaves an error on the site which reflects that the current ranking will get down and again Digi Media Pool GMBH is not responsible for it.
  • Digi Media Pool GMBH doesn’t believe on “guaranteed” word as we believe in assurance. We make sure to provide good and effective results in best possible manner.
  • The team of experts works hard on each essential aspect and factor of SEO as our target is to bring the site on first page. Here, the company would like to clear that professional’s target is first rank but the commitment is for first page. No doubt, the dedicated team works hard on each aspect of SEO and committed to bring good results but, it doesn’t mean that we guarantee.
  • In case client is making some changes on their website on their own then, he/she has to inform us for the same as it can affect our on page optimization otherwise the company is not responsible for search engine ranking. Being a responsible and authorized company to handle the SEO project of an organization, it is our right to know what, where, how and when is happening on the site.
  • If the organization has taken any paid service from any source then also the professionals need to inform us as Google considers paid service as a part of “Black Hat SEO”. We will surely go through the service and find out whether it is good for SEO or not.
  • In case, if client’s competitors create some garbage links on some banned sites to let down the reputation and ranking of the website then, Digi Media Pool GMBH is not responsible for the bad promotion. We would like to inform our customers that those bad and garbage links will let down client’s website ranking very poorly.
  • If clients have given their SEO project to Digi Media Pool GMBH then the entire accountability of ranking and branding lies on our company. But, in case if client has given the same project to any other organization then client must have to inform us. Even if the website is under in house work, then also the client needs to inform us. Otherwise two side or double optimization may lead to let down the ranking badly and then, we are not responsible for it.

We at Digi Media Pool GMBH would like to request all our customers to have a look on each of these terms and conditions of the company before handover the SEO project, as we will be glad to get a nod and satisfaction from their end too, to continue the project. We hereby assure clients that just believe on our words and let us work on it; we will surely bring you satisfactory service.

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